Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tuesday- Game is Looking Good!

  Today I decided to make a menu for my game. The menu has two choices, which are to start the game and to go to the instructions manual. The user will select by using the mouse, which is the cool part. I have also decided to make a boss level, which if passed will give the user 30 points. Points are used at the shop to buy objects to help the user win the game! I made the shop today, therefore today has been one of my accomplishment days! The game is around 400 lines of code and 100% is mine. I learned how to use, clock and the mouse with the file Mr.Arkin sent to us in the beginning of the programming unit! I never knew that something like this could be so useful. When the user loses, they have a choice to continue or quit using the keyboard! I believe Turing is a great program, that show early programmers the steps to success. 

  Through the file that Mr.Arkin had sent us, I have learned over 20 new key words, procedures and functions. From randint to buttonwait, Mr.Arkin has helped me a lot, in both my educational journey and as a whole. I have also started to study for the exams, WHAT A BORE!!!! I am so nervous about the exams, I feel like my heart is trying to free itself from my chest like a cages beast!!!!

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