Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday- SO TIRED!

I know how he feels!
  Today was the in my perspective, worst day of the week. I believe this because, one comes back a weekend, enriched with fun and enjoyment and is then required to wake up early and go back to work! The only problem I have is the waking up early, otherwise I am okay with the work. Waking up early has never been one of my fondest moments, unless I am looking forward to something. In ICS today Dropbox stopped working, therefore I could not work on my game! Instead I helped a few of my peers with their games, because I'm just such a nice guy! 
  On Friday I have another swim meet! This is the last swim meet until the regionals! I have been looking forward to the regionals from the beginning of the season! The regionals is basically the only swim meet that counts. How one does in the regionals will ultimately decide if one goes to cities or not. Cities is the competition that is composed of the best swimmers in the city. I am aiming for cities this year and my coach believes I can do it. She said if I don't make cities she is going to make me swim so much I won't be able to breath afterwards. I guess the weight of the word is bestowed upon my shoulders AGAIN

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